Subscription Policy

Updated as at June 19, 2024.

Welcome to imPACT. imPACT is a Freemium software-as-a-service (SaaS) offering to help you be on top of your career, as a business owner, leader, manager, or a contributor.

1. Definitions

“Mykongsi”, “we” or “us” refers to the Mykongsi entity which owns and operates the Product.

“You” refers to the entity you represent in accepting the Terms, if that does not apply to you individually.

“Service” refers to our hosted or cloud-based solutions, including any client software we provide as part of our product.

“Account” refers to the digital identity that grants you to the services you subscribed to.

“Subscriber” refers to the individual, acting alone or on behalf of an organisational entity.

“Workspace” refers to the data environment for subscribers to organise their tasks, share and store files, track progress and collaborate with other members of the workspace, to complete their work effectively. A workspace can be a company, department, project, or a collaborative common interest group of people.

“Order” refers to imPACT’s online order page, flows, or other imPACT-approved ordering documents or process that describes the products and services you are ordering from us and as applicable, their permitted scope of use. The order will identify the product, the subscription term or other scope of use parameters and the amount you will be charged, the billing and renewal terms, applicable currency and form of payment. Orders may also include Add-on Services.

“Subscription Term” refers to the permitted subscription period for a product, as set forth in the applicable Order.

“Subscription Plan” or Subscription package refer to a package offered by us that allows you to access our Services over a defined period of time.

2. Accounts

2.1 There are two types of accounts: Free, and Paid.

2.2 When you sign up (register) to user the Service, you are allocated a Free account with an initial set of entitlements that will meet typical use-cases.

2.3 An account is linked to one email id, and one email id can operate only one account.

2.4 Rules relating to Free accounts

    • Subject to suspension-and-removal cycle after a period (currently unspecified) of non-activity.
    • A grace period takes effect for the subscriber to respond to the Notice of Removal email; after which, the account and related data is archived for eventual removal, subject to legal data auditing requirements.
    • A free account can be upgraded to a Paid one, subject to payment of requisite fees.

2.5 Rules relating to Paid accounts

    • Paid accounts are never subject to a suspension-and-removal cycle due to non-use.
    • Paid accounts are automatically downgraded after a pre-set grace period when Notices of Renewals have not been acted upon.
    • Some types of paid accounts entitlements are automatically downgraded after a pre-set grace period when Notices of Expiration have not been acted upon.
    • The initial purchase of subscriptions as well as renewals can be initiated via product website. Please visit for more information.

3. Subscriptions

3.1 Subscription Types. There are 2 types of subscriptions. Workspace and Account (internally referred as individual SME).

3.2 Workspace Subscription. This is a package which contains a list of features and benefits (also called “entitlements”) tailored specifically to enhance collaboration and productivity within a dedicated workspace environment.

    • A single paid Workspace subscription plan can be applied to 1 or more Workspaces, depending on the subscription term.
    • Examples of benefits are as follows:
      • Maximum number of workspaces the subscription be utilised for
      • Maximum number of active members
      • Maximum number of active projects
      • Maximum number of global checklists
      • Maximum amount of storage for files uploaded into projects

3.3 Account Subscription. This is a package which contains a list of features and benefits (also called “entitlements”) tailored specifically for an individual user.

    • An Account subscription can only be utilised by a single Subscriber.
    • Examples of benefits are as follows:
      • Maximum number of workspaces you can be a member of

3.4 Both subscription types are available in the Free and Paid plans.

3.5 All subscribers enjoy a free plan when they first register to use the Service.

4. Subscription Plan

A plan or package which is a collection of entitlements with optional caps on their usage- and/or time-limited restrictions.

4.1 Free Plan imposes a limit on each of the entitled benefits. These limits are designed to allow subscribers to use the Service effectively under typical use-cases and capacities.

These entitlements can change from time-to-time in response to market demand, but only for new account registrations.

A Free plan is automatically assigned to the subscriber upon successful registration through the imPACT mobile app.

    • This is valid for perpetual use, subject to its pre-set limits.
    • Subscribers can terminate their accounts at any time. This involves deletion of workspace which they own or their own accounts.

4.2 Paid Packages extends the limits for each of the entitled benefits according to the different tiers that are defined from time-to-time.

As the name implies, such packages are allocated upon successful payment from the subscriber. These packages are transacted solely through the imPACT app currently.

A number of handling can be performed on paid packages. These are documented in herein.

    • Subscribers can upgrade to paid plans at any time to enjoy better benefits and access to paid features.
    • Many paid subscriptions can be effective any one time.
    • A paid subscription package is identified by a key (or token) sent to the purchaser by email, together with the instructions to activate it.
    • This subscription key (or token) is to be activated through the imPACT mobile app.
    • Once a key is activated, the Service allocates the extended entitlements to the appropriate Workspace and/or Account as needed.

4.3 Entitlements. The list of entitlements for packages are defined in product website. Please visit for more information.

5. Registering for an Account

5.1 All Subscribers are required to register an account to use imPACT.

    • If using an email only, provide the following:
      • First and last name, Email address, and a Password.
      • Subscribers must confirm their email account ownership before they are allowed to use the Service.
      • We deliver the login instructions to the Subscriber’s email account once the registration is complete.
    • Alternatively, subscribers can also use any of the three supported social network provider accounts:
      • Google
      • Facebook
      • Apple Id

5.2 All Subscribers are automatically given a free Account subscription plan, which does not have an expiry date.

5.3 This free plan grants a set of entitlements to the Subscriber. Subscribers can choose to upgrade to a paid plan to obtain more entitlements. The free plan will never expire provided that the account is kept active.

5.4 You can invite other users to join your workspace. When non-subscribers join to become subscribers, they are also automatically given a free Account subscription plan.

5.5 All subscribers are given an allowance of a free number of Workspaces that they can create and administer. These subscribers are referred to as Owners in their respective Workspaces.

6. Purchasing a Subscription Plan
6.1 Purchasing a Subscription

    • You can purchase a subscription plan via product website. Please visit for more information.

6.2 Cancel or Return

    • Subscribers may terminate their initial order for any reason, by providing a termination notice to us within 30 days of the order date.
    • We shall refund the amount paid minus any payment platform charges. The order which is entitled for refund must be a yearly subscription.
    • The termination and refund right is only applicable for the subscriber’s initial order and if only exercised within the period specified above and does not apply to additional services

6.3 For the avoidance of breach of Anti-Money Laundering laws, the subscriber must prove the refund is being returned to the original account that was used to pay for the subscription initially:

    • In the refund process, the Subscriber shall provide documentation as proof.
    • Failure to provide the necessary proof will result in the refund being rejected.

7. Activating a Subscription Plan

7.1 Activation of these plans are performed from either the imPACT Mobile app or imPACT web. Please visit for more information.

7.2 For Account Subscription

    • Only account owners can activate a subscription key to their own account.
    • Each account can use only one subscription key.
    • A single subscription key can be applied to 1 account. It could not be shared.

7.3 For Workspace Subscription

    • Only workspace owners can activate a subscription key to their workspace.
    • Each workspace can use only one subscription key.
    • But a subscription key can be used on multiple workspaces, as long as the subscription key is not expired, or has not exhausted the pre-set entitlement limits.

7.4 Activation takes effect immediately.

8. Downgrading an Account Subscription Plan

8.1 This downgrading refers to the replacement or expiration of a subscription plan for an Account.

8.2 There are several downgrade paths:

    • Upon expiration (if applicable) of an existing higher-capability plan, you can purchase another lower-capped plan.
      • You can then proceed to activate the new subscription key for your account as normal.
      • Note: Between the time of the expiration of the higher plan, to the time you activate the new plan, your existing data linked to your account remains valid.
    • An account with an expired account subscription plan, after non-rehabilitative actions past a pre-set grace period, reverts to a Free account.

8.3 Only account owners can downgrade their own accounts.

8.4 A Confirmation of Downgrading email will be sent to the account owner when a downgrade is requested. The account owner is required to confirm the downgrade by clicking a link in the email.

8.5 In the event a downgrade causes your Account to exceed the pre-set entitlement caps:

    • The app will inform you to rectify the situation at your convenience.
      • Account owners are not allowed to operate the Account until this issue is resolved.
    • In the interim, the Service attempts to correct the situation to make your Account compliant with existing pre-set limits. For example when it relates to the entitlement of an Account to participate in multiple Workspaces:
      • If the number of memberships exceeded your entitlements, it will suspend your membership in all of the workspaces linked to you.
      • You must select the workspaces you want to remain as a member of, with the remaining unselected ones scheduled to be exited in due course by the Service.
      • If you leave a workspace in which you are the sole Workspace Owner, the Service will elect a new Workspace Owner from its list of existing members. If there are no other members in the workspace, the workspace is marked for deletion i.e. it assumes you no longer want this space.

9. Downgrading a Workspace Subscription Plan

9.1 This downgrading refers to the deactivation, replacement or expiration of a subscription plan for a Workspace.

9.2 There are several downgrade paths:

    • Workspace owners can deactivate a workspace subscription by removing the subscription key from a workspace.
      • Note: Your existing data in the workspace remains valid after you have removed the subscription key.
    • Upon expiration (if applicable) of an existing plan with higher entitlements, you can purchase another lower-capped entitlement plan.
      • You can then proceed to activate the new subscription key for your workspace as normal.
      • Note: Between the time of the expiration of the higher plan, to the time you activate the new plan, your existing data linked to your workspace remains valid.
    • A workspace with an expired subscription plan, after non-rehabilitative actions past a pre-set grace period, reverts to the same plan as a Free account.

9.3 A Confirmation of Downgrading email will be sent to the workspace owner(s) when a downgrade is requested. Any workspace owner is required to confirm the downgrade by clicking a link in the email.

9.4 All workspace owners will be informed via email when a downgrade has taken effect.

9.5 In the event a downgrade causes your Workspace to exceed the entitlement caps defined for the previous subscription:

    • The app will inform you to rectify the situation at your convenience.
      • Subscribers are not allowed to add new protected data entities to the Workspace until this issue is resolved.
    • In the interim, the Service attempts to correct the situations to make your Workspace compliant with existing pre-set limits.
      For example when it relates to the entitlement of the number of members a Workspace can support:
      • If the number of active members has exceeded your entitlements, the Service suspends any non-owner members in the workspace.
      • Workspace owners must then re-activate any members to be part of the workspace, ensuring that the count never exceeds this lower entitlement.

      For example when it relates to the entitlement of the number of projects a Workspace can support:

      • If the number of active projects has exceeded your entitlements, the Service suspends the oldest active projects until the usage limit is normalised.

      For example when it relates to the entitlement of the number of checklists a Workspace can support:

      • If the number of checklists is exceeded your entitlements, the Service would just prevent the creation of checklists.

      For example when it relates to the entitlement of the disk storage a Workspace can support:

      • If the amount of storage has exceeded your entitlements, the Service prevents the uploading of files into the workspace.
      • You must remove (download, save copies, and delete) the files until the usage normalises to within your entitlement.
      • After 30 days, if the usage continues to exceed your entitlement, the Service may elect to delete files, starting with the oldest ones, until the usage is normalised.

10. Cancelling a Subscription Plan

10.1 A notice period of 30 calendar days is required.

10.2 Subscribers can cancel their workspace and/or account subscription at any time.

10.3 When a subscription plan is cancelled:

    • A pro-rated refund of the unused allocation (whether by time and/or entitlement already drawn down) less any administrative or cancellation charges levied by third-party providers. Only the remaining months of unused balance will be refunded.
      • For example, say your subscription runs from January 1st through to December 31st.
      • Further, you decided to cancel your subscription on March 20th of the current year.
      • Because we require a notice period of 30 days, it means the cancellation will take effect beginning April 20th, which is 30 days after your cancellation request.
      • The refund is calculated for the remaining calendar months starting from the first of the month following the end of the notice period i.e. May 1st.
      • The “Balance Period” is defined as the months between May to December i.e. 8 calendar months.
      • A pro-rated refund amount covering the Balance Period LESS whatever administrative or cancellation charges that may be levied by third parties. This is called the “Proforma Refund Amount.”

Say, the Subscriber paid $1,000 for the subscription
The Proforma Refund Amount shall be (8 / 12) x $1,000 = $666.67

    • No refund will be given if the Balance Period is less than a month.
    • No refund will be given in the event that the Proforma Refund Amount is less than administrative or cancellation charges that may apply for the return funds transfer.
    • See SCHEDULE 1 of this Policy for the applicable charges.
    • Any recurring payment instructions are cancelled as well.
    • Any entitlements will revert to follow the ones for free plans.
      • Any existing data linked to your subscriptions that may be presently exceeding the free entitlements will be marked as read-only.

10.4 An email notification is sent to the linked email id(s).

10.5 For the avoidance of breach of Anti-Money Laundering laws, the subscriber must prove the refund is being returned to the original account that was used to pay for the subscription initially:

    • In the refund process, the Subscriber shall provide documentation as proof.
    • Failure to provide the necessary proof will result in the refund being rejected.

11. Renewing a Subscription Plan

11.1 Manually

    • Subscribers can only renew their subscriptions from our product website
    • The process to purchase a renewal subscription and the subsequent activation is similar to the initial purchase process.

11.2 Recurring

    • Subscribers can specify in their initial order to renew their subscription terms on a recurring basis.
    • A notice of renewal email is sent to you before the subscription lapses. You can choose to decline the renewal by clicking a link in the email.
    • If you did not act on the notice of renewal, the subscription is auto-renewed for the next period 1 day before the lapsing of the previous subscription.

12. Deleting Accounts

12.1 Certain jurisdictions may require the support of permanent deletion of accounts from the Service.

12.2 An account owner can request us to delete the account.

12.3 An email confirmation is sent to the account owner, that must be confirmed by clicking a link in the email.

    • When the owner confirms the deletion, the account is marked for anonymisation, and will no longer be visible through the app.
    • However, due to legal auditing & national security reasons, transactional data must still be present in the system for a period of time to satisfy financial audits.
    • Data that are no longer needed for external audits are physically removed.

12.4 Deleting an account means the subscriber will lose access to imPACT permanently.

12.5 In cases where we have a legitimate business or legal purpose to do so, we may keep personal data. These include financial information related to purchases and billing records, records showing why the account was deleted, or data relating to litigations or other legal inquiries.

12.6 NOTE: Deleting your Account automatically removes any recurring subscription instructions for the account’s subscription plan.

12.7 NOTE: When you delete your account, all workspaces for which you are the sole owner will be removed. For workspaces where you are not the sole owner but rather a regular member, you will simply leave those workspaces.

13. Deleting Workspaces

13.1 An workspace owner may choose to delete one or more workspaces to free up utilization limit.

13.2 Workspace owners can request to delete their workspaces on the Service. An email confirmation will be sent to all workspace owners.

13.3 When any of the owner confirms the deletion, the workspace will be placed in a pending deletion state for 7 days.

13.4 If the workspace has a paid workspace subscription activated, the subscription will be deactivated immediately after the deletion confirmation. The active subscription may then be utilise by other workspaces with the same subscription key.

13.5 During this period, the workspace owner can choose to restore the workspace.

13.6 If the workspace is not restored within 7 days, all memberships and all data maintained and uploaded into the workspace will be deleted.

13.7 All members will not be able to access the deleted workspace.

-End of Document-



The following charges are payable by you for events specified in the table herein:

Cancellation Processing FeeMYR 50Applicable to handle the processing of subscription cancellation and refund.


  1. All charges shall be payable in Malaysian Ringgit (MYR).
  2. The Company shall process the cancellation request according to Cancellation Clause prescribed in the Subscription Policy.
  3. Cancellation request that are entitled for refund shall be charged the stipulated processing fee provided under the Policy.

-End of Schedule 1-